Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I made this video for my Jackson, MO friends that are hosting a WBT seminar in Cape Girardeau, Missouri this Saturday. They are talking about my FAVORITE subject the Super Improver Wall! I am unable to join them so I made a video. Here is the best part ... I did the video standing right in front of my Super Improver Wall!

Please check out my video!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chat Room Conversation...

I tried to host another WBT chatroom Pep Rally today! I wouldn't call the conversation I had a Pep Rally... but the collaboration time with a fellow 3rd grade WBT teacher was priceless. I have copied and pasted the conversation here for your information. We did a lot of great brain storming! I hope this helps someone!

 4:20 PM  daisydee226: Be sure to join me in an hour and a half for the SECOND EVERY WBT Chatroom Pep Rally!
4:21 PM  daisydee226: We will officially start at 7pm Central time!
4:29 PM  Southern Teacher: I'll be here too!
4:32 PM  daisydee226: WAHOO!
4:32 PM  daisydee226: I am looking at some old webcasts and trying to catalog the "hidden gems" on each video!
4:33 PM  Southern Teacher: That's cool. That will be very helpful.

4:35 PM Southern Teacher: My parents are wanting me to do more interventions with their kids
4:36 PM  daisydee226: Use super speed games as intervention
4:36 PM  Southern Teacher: I've start SS math, but it's skills that won't be helped by that.
4:36 PM  daisydee226: As long as you can document growth... (or no growth) on a graph... it can be used
4:37 PM  daisydee226: What type of interventions are they wanting?
4:37 PM  Southern Teacher: Like using a vocabulary word in the context of a give sentence. They have no problem matching the word to a def. but they can't tell you which sentence it would fit in.
4:38 PM  Southern Teacher: They don't really say. They've hinted at/asked if I reteach skills that they majority of the students don't understand.
4:38 PM  Southern Teacher: I do, when necessary, but not with vocabulary words.
4:38 PM  daisydee226: Would Genius Ladder help with that? You could use content vocabulary as part of the sentence frames
4:39 PM  Southern Teacher: I'm not sure. This week they will start doing an extra homework assg.  That I used to use. They have to write a sentence using each of the 10 vocab. words.
4:39 PM  Southern Teacher: They can memorize well but of course that's not what the entire test will be!
4:40 PM  Southern Teacher: I'm spending about 1hr and half each day on reading lessons.
4:41 PM  daisydee226: That isn't a bad thing... are you using oral writing with the vocabulary... you could award SPECIAL SIW/SIT stars for using vocabulary in ORAL writing!
4:41 PM  daisydee226: I just don’t want you to have to lean on worksheet type work... that is more work for YOU!
4:41 PM  Southern Teacher: I was going to try something like that on Mon when we review the 10 new words.
4:42 PM  Southern Teacher: Ask them to give me a sentence using the word but not with the sentence I've given.
4:44 PM  Southern Teacher: Well, I plan to have the partners talk about the sentences and then I would choose some of them to share their sentence with the class to discuss that way.
4:44 PM  Southern Teacher: I wouldn't always ready their sentences myself.  Just maybe every other week.
4:45 PM  daisydee226: SOUNDS like a GREAT idea!
4:46 PM  daisydee226: Could you do a green/red marker type activity with that... circle in green when the sentences are good... red... when it doesn't agree or make sense
4:46 PM  Southern Teacher: It's just stressful. I mean, we've only been in school for about 4 weeks because of the 4 day hurricane holiday.
4:47 PM  Southern Teacher: I could go around and do that while they are reviewing them with their partners!
4:47 PM  Southern Teacher: Then I could ask students to share their green ones.
4:47 PM  daisydee226: That's what I was thinking!
4:47 PM  daisydee226: YES!
4:48 PM  Southern Teacher: I've been thinking about how to use that more.
4:48 PM  Southern Teacher: I did it a few times for cursive handwriting sheets I gave as review at the start of the year, but haven't really done much of that since.

4:49 PM  daisydee226: I love red/green marker!
4:49 PM  Southern Teacher: I wish there was a red/green for behavior lol
4:50 PM  Southern Teacher: I have a very talkative class who can be sneaky. I caught one sending little notes to another one.
4:50 PM  daisydee226: there could be!
4:51 PM  Southern Teacher: They've been together since K pretty much as 1 class. I think1st was the only time they were split.
4:51 PM  Southern Teacher: So they are such good friends they love to talk and want to all the time!
4:51 PM  daisydee226: I think once you get more fluent with WBT that will help... we BOTH know that we have to step up the scoreboard!
4:52 PM  daisydee226: I know that I have WAY less behavior issues when I am ping ponging on the scoreboard all day!
4:52 PM  daisydee226: The scoreboard will NOT be the death of us... it will be our redemption!
4:53 PM  daisydee226: I got up to 30 marks on each side of the board the other day! WAHOO!
4:53 PM  Southern Teacher: Well, see that's where I'm concerned. Even on days where I use the scoreboard and have 40-50 marks, it's still out there
4:54 PM  Southern Teacher: I don't want to move to practice cards yet, so I guess I need even more marks.
4:56 PM  daisydee226: hmmm...
4:56 PM  daisydee226: There has to be something that will work!

4:57 PM  Southern Teacher: I've tried using more/less homework problems as reward. That doesn't do much.
4:58 PM  Southern Teacher: I can't use recess time because that's a set schedule for our PE teacher who takes them out for that.
4:58 PM  Southern Teacher: I'm considering 1 minute of free talking time.
5:00 PM  daisydee226: that might work!
5:01 PM  daisydee226: I can't really use recess either... they have lunch, lunch recess, then at 1:10 the third grade teachers go out and for 15 mintues we have our "second recess" the kids don't understand
5:01 PM  daisydee226: that they are actually getting two recess times!
5:01 PM  Southern Teacher: Mine get a 30 min recess and 35 min PE
5:01 PM  Southern Teacher: lunch is a 20 min chowdown
5:01 PM  daisydee226: EVERY DAY?
5:01 PM  Southern Teacher: yep
5:02 PM  daisydee226: WOW!
5:02 PM  Southern Teacher: but that's the only "specials" they have.
5:02 PM  daisydee226: only PE... you are music and art teacher!
5:02 PM  Southern Teacher: We have a spanish lesson 1 time a week with our hs teacher.
5:02 PM  Southern Teacher: Yeah, we sorta don't have music or art.
5:02 PM  daisydee226: that is so sad!
5:03 PM  Southern Teacher: We do some art as part of projects we do for some subject areas, but there isn't a lot of time for that.
5:04 PM  Southern Teacher: I pull out some stuff for major holidays too, but that's about it.

5:05 PM  daisydee226: I noticed in your video that the kids call you Ms. Julie
5:05 PM  Southern Teacher: Yep.
5:05 PM  daisydee226: Do the other teachers at your school go by first names?
5:06 PM  Southern Teacher: Some do. some don't.
5:06 PM  Southern Teacher: Our 2nd grade teacher does. She got married after she started teaching in our school and she didn't want to confuse them with a different name lol
5:10 PM  daisydee226: So... I know other people are on here... they must just be watching videos...
5:10 PM  daisydee226: A couple people are logged on!
5:10 PM  daisydee226: Of course this is 2 hours early... LOL!
5:11 PM  daisydee226: I think I am going to step away for a while and watch some videos... I need to watch the Test Prep and Prove it videos!
5:14 PM  Southern Teacher: OK. I'll be in and out.
5:15 PM  daisydee226: :)

5:39 PM  daisydee226: AHH! I think I know what I want my first submitted video to be about!
5:39 PM  daisydee226: I am watching the State Test Prep video... I think I am going to video myself TEACHING the kids test taking strategies!
5:41 PM  Southern Teacher: OH, I'd like to see that
5:41 PM  Southern Teacher: I could let my kids see it too.
5:41 PM  Southern Teacher: I'm not sure what I'm going to do next.
5:42 PM  daisydee226: I would stick with math / graphing lessons so that the feedback Coach gives you can be consistently about one content area... or focus
5:42 PM  daisydee226: We teach graphing through out the year so I know I could continue video lessons about graphs.
5:43 PM  daisydee226: I will be teaching the test taking skills throughout the year... so I can continue to video THOSE lessons
5:43 PM  daisydee226: If I video EACH one... that would be a great resource for other teachers!
5:44 PM  daisydee226: My first substitute said I should make "BLUE'S CLUES" type videos for other teachers to show to their kids.
5:44 PM  Southern Teacher: Well, we took a test on it already.
5:44 PM  daisydee226: She can't get over the fact that I looked / sounded like the Blue's clues guy
5:45 PM  Southern Teacher: I might try using the compounds lesson I have in English on Monday
5:45 PM  Southern Teacher: Blue's clues, Blue's clues
5:45 PM  Southern Teacher: Find the pawprint, that's the first clue.
5:46 PM  daisydee226: LOL.... that is doubly funny with the PAW print because of my classroom theme!LOL
5:47 PM  daisydee226: I should do a video JUST for your class on something! I could talk to you like I talked with my sub in the videos I already did!
5:48 PM  Southern Teacher: Well, I might be joining a planning committee that would mean I'd be out of the class 3-4 times this year. If I do accept, I thought about making some.
5:48 PM  Southern Teacher: But it would be kinda neat to have another teacher do that.
5:49 PM  daisydee226: MY KIDS LOVE THEM... and keep begging to watch them even when I am there!
5:49 PM  daisydee226: :)
5:49 PM  Southern Teacher: LOL, that's cute
5:50 PM  Southern Teacher: Do you have your students stand up to respond?
5:50 PM  daisydee226: I can see it now... me coming on camera... looking around... saying... WHOA... hey Toto... I am not in Missouri anymore... hey... wait... Ms. Julie... is that you... am I in Louisiana? ... LOL
5:50 PM  daisydee226: that would be fun!
5:51 PM  daisydee226: I don't have the kids stand up to respond all the time... but they focus very good when I do!
5:51 PM  Southern Teacher: Coach mentioned they should be doing that when I call on them
5:51 PM  Southern Teacher: I haven't done that before.
5:52 PM  daisydee226: They really like... my kids EVEN remind me if we haven't done it that day!
5:52 PM  daisydee226: I don't do it all the time though!
5:53 PM  Southern Teacher: See a lot of mine are "shy" when I call on them to answer my question so I'm worried about having them stand up.
5:53 PM  daisydee226: My shyest students are now the best...
5:53 PM  daisydee226: I can't explain it!
5:53 PM  Southern Teacher: Maybe you could do that in your video from Missouri
5:54 PM  daisydee226: I could... you mean... I could explain to them how that works?
5:55 PM  daisydee226: That might be tough not being able to see them.
5:55 PM  daisydee226: I wouldn't know how long they are talking...
5:55 PM  Southern Teacher: yeah, but if I decide to film my compounds lesson Mon. I guess I'd need to do that anyway.

5:55 PM  Southern Teacher: I do like the Zork! idea.
5:55 PM  daisydee226: I always forget about the planet Zork!
5:55 PM  Southern Teacher: I wish I had something to go with it...costume like
5:56 PM  daisydee226: make a tinfoil hat! LOL!
5:56 PM  Southern Teacher: some alien ears or something
5:57 PM  Southern Teacher: I might go on a hunt at our local Walmart. It's prob time for them to have Halloween stuff out!!

6:24 PM  daisydee226: It is almost time for the PEP RALLY!
6:24 PM  Southern Teacher: Yay!
6:24 PM  daisydee226: I wonder if we will have new PEP RALLY ROCK STARS!
6:25 PM  Southern Teacher: That would be cool.
6:25 PM  daisydee226: I figure not many will be here because I advertised so late! I didn't know if I would be someplace that I could host a Pep Rally!

6:40 PM  daisydee226: You should come up to Missouri this summer... if it is in Warrensburg (like I hope it will be) you could stay with me!
6:41 PM  Southern Teacher: That would be kinda neat.
6:43 PM  daisydee226: CORE 4 is Class-Yes, Teach-Okay, Scoreboard, and Mirrors...
6:45 PM  Southern Teacher: I have that on a sticky right here lol. I wrote it down one day during a webcast and stucky it there.
6:45 PM  daisydee226: the other three are Hands and Eyes, Switch, and Classroom RULES
6:45 PM  daisydee226: LOL
6:45 PM  Southern Teacher: HERS
6:45 PM  daisydee226: I almost forgot the rules just now
6:45 PM  Southern Teacher: Hands & Eyes, Rules, Switch = HERS
6:45 PM  daisydee226: AWESOME!
6:46 PM  daisydee226: that will help me!
6:46 PM  Southern Teacher: I just noticed that
6:46 PM  daisydee226: AWESOME!

6:47 PM  Southern Teacher: Sometimes I feel like I know a lot of WBT and other times I feel like I know nothing. lol
6:47 PM  daisydee226: I have been copy and pasting our conversation this time as I go along so that I don't forget any good ideas!
6:48 PM  Southern Teacher: I think I reviewed the main stuff in my blog post.
6:48 PM  Southern Teacher: I might have missed something though
6:48 PM  daisydee226: I feel the same way sometimes!
6:49 PM  Southern Teacher: I think working towards certification has made me feel like that. Especially since I've made that first class video
6:50 PM  daisydee226: I think that is part of the idea... Coach wants to really push us to be our best!
6:53 PM  Southern Teacher: True

6:58 PM  carolinealexius: HI guys
6:59 PM  daisydee226: Hello!
6:59 PM  daisydee226: We have another PEP RALLY ROCK STAR!
6:59 PM  daisydee226: Julie and I have been hanging out for the last two hours!
6:59 PM  daisydee226: We are over achievers! LOL!
7:00 PM  Southern Teacher: Hi carolinaalexious
7:01 PM  Southern Teacher: I'll admit it. I'm a WBT webpage stalker lol
7:02 PM  daisydee226: Julie... we may be WBT sisters... we are so similar!
7:03 PM  Southern Teacher: I know! It's just way too funny how similar we really are!
7:04 PM  daisydee226: We have got to meet up this summer... NO MATTER WHAT!
7:04 PM  carolinealexius: I used to be a stalker, but then I began my instructional time student teaching
7:04 PM  Southern Teacher: I have one trip to Vegas already booked.

7:04 PM  carolinealexius: My supervising teacher put the no on me using Mr. Doofus and Mr. Smarty.  I have to say Mr. Smarty and his friend or something like that.
7:05 PM  Southern Teacher: I'll have to plan my summer a lot this time lol
7:05 PM  daisydee226: I wondered about the doofus thing... but I am forging ahead with it!
7:05 PM  daisydee226: I don't have any summer plans yet... because of my big February trip!
7:05 PM  carolinealexius: the students loved it, but teacher worried about parental calling.
7:06 PM  Southern Teacher: I mentioned it to my kids too. Haven't heard anything from my parents yet
7:06 PM  daisydee226: I figured I would cross that bridge when I get there... they are enjoying it too much right now!
7:06 PM  Southern Teacher: Trust me, if anyone is going to hear about it, I surely will.
7:06 PM  carolinealexius: ha
7:06 PM  daisydee226: LOL... you are proably right Julie!
7:06 PM  daisydee226: probably

7:07 PM  daisydee226: I wish Coach would pop in and surprise us! I know he has a conference all day and will probably be meeting with board members tonight... but I think it would be cool if he dropped in!
7:07 PM  Southern Teacher: I have a group that likes to voice their opinions this year caroline. We were talking about that earlier
7:08 PM  Southern Teacher: They might still be in conference right now with the time difference
7:09 PM  daisydee226: The mini conference in Missouri went well today!
7:09 PM  daisydee226: We covered the Core 4 and Big 7... plus the parts of the brain
7:09 PM  Southern Teacher: It's so cool to be able to have these conferences all over the place.
7:09 PM  daisydee226: We even introduced Super Speed 100 and Super Speed math
7:09 PM  Southern Teacher: Have you don't that with your kids? the parts of the brain?
7:10 PM  daisydee226: not yet... but I want to!
7:10 PM  daisydee226: We may do that RIGHT before P/T conferences and video it to put it in the hall for parents to watch while they wait!
7:11 PM  Southern Teacher: Well, we have a grandparents day coming up - done in evening hours for first time.
7:12 PM  Southern Teacher: I think I might tape a little - where are we now - 20 yrs later kinda thing to show
7:12 PM  daisydee226: of course I am not sure if the kids that parents don't want them on YouTube would want their kids in it!
7:12 PM  Southern Teacher: All of mine said yes to doing it.
7:13 PM  Southern Teacher: I told them that it would be a way for them to see what their child is doing in the classroom.
7:13 PM  daisydee226: I have two... one even wrote a note saying school yearbook is the only picture we can publish of her!

7:16 PM  daisydee226: WELL! RAH RAH GO WBT!
7:16 PM  Southern Teacher: Sis boo bah!
7:16 PM  daisydee226: ummm... our virtual stadium is a little empty!
7:16 PM  Southern Teacher: Boom
7:16 PM  Southern Teacher: Maybe too many college games tonight?
7:17 PM  Southern Teacher: LSU is playing but they aren't on TV lol
7:17 PM  daisydee226: I HAVE to advertise in advance... but I haven't been sure when I can do it!
7:17 PM  daisydee226: I know that Saturday isn't the best night for this ... but every other night I am busy with school stuff!
7:18 PM  Southern Teacher: yeah, lot of us are

7:18 PM  daisydee226: Plus... this was originally 3rd grades GRADE LEVEL night... and I am not sure if others are still meeting or if those meetings fizzled out too!
7:18 PM  Southern Teacher: I haven't seen anyone else chatting during the week
7:20 PM  GataGirl: What has been working for y'all?
7:20 PM  Southern Teacher: Hi buddy
7:21 PM  daisydee226: RAH RAH!
7:21 PM  Southern Teacher: Deanna this is my coworker from school.
7:21 PM  Southern Teacher: She teachs K.
7:21 PM  daisydee226: hello!
7:21 PM  GataGirl: Hey, Jewels
7:22 PM  GataGirl: Hello All
7:22 PM  daisydee226: I was just about to say the third grade and K teachers seem really active!

7:28 PM  daisydee226: Okay... so I really got some good stuff from the State Test Prep video!
7:29 PM  Southern Teacher: Oh, do tell
7:29 PM  daisydee226: I like the acronym... DVR... Daily Practice, Visual Behaviors, Rewards
7:29 PM  daisydee226: Something that REALLY caught my attention is that he said we should start DVR the SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL!
7:29 PM  Southern Teacher: I remember something about that at national
7:29 PM  daisydee226: OOPS!
7:29 PM  daisydee226: I guess I will start next week! :0
7:30 PM  Southern Teacher: I don't remember what visual behaviors is
7:31 PM  daisydee226: DVR is for Test taking strategy practice
7:31 PM  Southern Teacher: oh - the prove it kinda stuff
7:31 PM  daisydee226: YES!
7:31 PM  daisydee226: Visual behaviors are the underlining and such!
7:31 PM  Southern Teacher: I've modeled it some with our grammar practice book, but that's about it.
7:31 PM  Southern Teacher: I didn't call it Prove it or anything.
7:32 PM  daisydee226: I need to start more
7:32 PM  Southern Teacher: me too but there's so much other things to work on - like those vocabulary words
7:33 PM  daisydee226: you can use those strategies for your vocab words!
7:36 PM  Southern Teacher: If they have some multiple choice in their practicing I can
7:37 PM  daisydee226: you can use DVR with matching and constructed response!
7:37 PM  Southern Teacher: I need to go back and review all that. I don't really remember it much.
7:38 PM  daisydee226: I found the video very beneficial!
7:38 PM  Southern Teacher: Which one was it
7:39 PM  Southern Teacher: 521
7:39 PM  Southern Teacher: ?
7:39 PM  daisydee226: yep!
7:39 PM  daisydee226: I was also going to try to watch the prove it video
7:39 PM  daisydee226: 506!

7:40 PM  Southern Teacher: I almost hate to watch that. I'm thinking I should watch the Class-yes, Teach-Okay, and Hands and Eyes
7:40 PM  Southern Teacher: Since that's part of what we need to work on.
7:40 PM  daisydee226: Might be a good idea... if you feel you need practice with that... then I would do that!
7:40 PM  daisydee226: OR... you could watch some of kate bowski's videos... so is AWESOME!
7:40 PM  daisydee226: and at our grade level!
7:41 PM  Southern Teacher: It's difficult. I know what it's supposed to look like, but it's getting them to do it that way.
7:41 PM  Southern Teacher: I've started making the entire class practice things when it's not the way it should be.
7:42 PM  daisydee226: I think you are doing the right thing... are you approaching it like this... "Thank you for reminding me that we need to practice that! Can someone show the WRONG WAY to.... " Then give a smiley for that
7:42 PM  daisydee226: then practice the right way
7:43 PM  Southern Teacher: I have a feeling that we will be doing that often on Monday before we film our lesson that afternoon
7:43 PM  daisydee226: If you don't show frustration... and seem really thankful for the need to repeat the kids are thrown off and they like that they get to "practice the wrong way" and not be in trouble
7:43 PM  daisydee226: :)
7:44 PM  Southern Teacher: I just hope that the wrong way practice doesn't stick.
7:44 PM  Southern Teacher: I have some "sillies" who would continue to do the wrong way just because.
7:44 PM  daisydee226: It won't...only have ONE student show the wrong way... whole group practices the right way
7:45 PM  Southern Teacher: That's true.

7:46 PM  daisydee226: Did we scare our fellow PEP rally rock stars away?
7:46 PM  daisydee226: They can chime in too!
7:46 PM  Southern Teacher: See, having a pep rally is helpful
7:47 PM  daisydee226: I am by no means an expert... I am just thinking out loud... I plan to use these ideas for my class too!
7:47 PM  daisydee226: RAH RAH!
7:47 PM  Southern Teacher: Not sure - Hello out there! You're all welcome to join us and ask questions

7:50 PM  daisydee226: Okay... what next... ?
7:50 PM  daisydee226: Did you say that you changed rule 1?
7:50 PM  daisydee226: I can't remember if that was one of the things we both did!
7:50 PM  Southern Teacher: Yes I did
7:50 PM  Southern Teacher: They picked up on it pretty quick.
7:51 PM  Southern Teacher: I even changed my rule signs, I just have to put them up
7:51 PM  daisydee226: Mine too! My librarian LOVES that change!
7:51 PM  daisydee226: I just but a red strip of paper with the word immediately over the old poster... I think that helps them remember more!
7:52 PM  Southern Teacher: I did a little work in Paint to get mine changed.
7:52 PM  Southern Teacher: They look just like the original ones, but have the change.
7:52 PM  daisydee226: It is the one ... I "randomly" grabbed the day "we" decided to change the rule!
7:52 PM  Southern Teacher: I did it not long after we talked about it
7:53 PM  Southern Teacher: Needed a little something after that extra long Labor Day break

7:53 PM  Southern Teacher: I'm going thru my packet of stuff from the conf. and I found the one with the leadership buttons
7:54 PM  Southern Teacher: I bought them all and pinned them on a smiley face lanyard I had.
7:54 PM  daisydee226: Yes... I need to start using those!
7:54 PM  daisydee226: GREAT IDEA!
7:54 PM  Southern Teacher: My student leader wears it
7:54 PM  Southern Teacher: that student gets to lead us in rules reivew, take down our attendance/lunch choices and other odd jobs I might need
7:54 PM  daisydee226: So ... you have one student leader for all jobs... or one for each button?
7:55 PM  daisydee226: Coach talks about having one for teach okay, class yes, hands and eyes!
7:55 PM  Southern Teacher: I was thinking about that.
7:55 PM  Southern Teacher: I'm considering having one for teach-okay
7:55 PM  daisydee226: I don't think I could keep up with that... the buttons would have to be HUGE!
7:55 PM  Southern Teacher: I'll leave the buttons on the lanyard. The kids kind of like it.
7:56 PM  Southern Teacher: I've only had 2 student leaders. I tell the class that I'm looking for a new one, but I need that person to show they can be a good leader.
7:56 PM  Southern Teacher: Not so easy to do
7:56 PM  daisydee226: I have some smiley face lanyards... from dollar tree awhile ago... I could have a lanyard for each job!
7:57 PM  Southern Teacher: That's cool

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Open Chat Aug 21, 2012... AMAZING STUFF

I just finished rewatching the Open Chat video from August 21 on YouTube. Amazing stuff on that video. I am here to give you a run down on ALL the amazing things that were discussed. I will also provide time stamps for when the information was discussed... since this was an informal chat Coach spends a lot of time reading the chat box so things can get a little slow if you are watching the video for the first time.

OPEN CHAT = lots of fun quality time with Coach B. This chat was wonderful BECAUSE Coach was able to share some great new ideas and answer questions on some old ideas without the stress of staying on topic! There was wasn't a topic to stick to!

Coach started by asking about how the Super Improver Wall was going in our classrooms (1:23)! He reminded us that the Super Improver Wall should not start until Week two or three of school! Most importantly he dropped THREE very cool NEW ideas!

FIRST, Coach suggested having two kinds of stars on the SIW (2:00). The first star being for any kind of improvement that we see! The second kind of star, (HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS!) is for Critical Thinking. Whenever we see a kid make improvements in providing answers with proof of Critical Thinking gave them a SPECIAL star. What a great way to integrate Critical Thinking (welcome Common Core) into EVEN the Super Improver Wall.

Here is a BIG reveal! Coach is working on a Super Improver Wall for POWER POINT (3:17)! Check out the video... he explains it beautifully!

Now for the reason that I decided to rewatch this video! We now have Super Improver TEAM (5:55)! Place a box on the Super Improver Wall for the group. Write a goal that the WHOLE class is working on. Place stars in the TEAM box when the class is improving on that goal! Keep THAT goal up for one week. The point in that team goal can become part of a students points if they need one more point to change levels! Say your class is working on placing hands in the listening position when you say Class and they say Yes! If the class earns a point for that on Wednesday, everyone has temporally earned that point. They can only keep that point if on FRIDAY they have nine stars... that TEAM point becomes their tenth star and they can change levels! WOW! Powerful stuff! I can see students working harder to earn stars if they think they can add that team point to their card!

As if new stuff about the Super Improver Wall wasn't enough he gave us more tools for critical thinking (9:02). He begins by showing us the mini lessons he has been giving on the Whole Brain Teaching Facebook page! Lesson 1 on Facebook is "What is Critical Thinking?" The answer on Facebook is "Critical Thinking is supporting an opinion with lots of strong evidence." Coach has made that answer better (9:45)! "Critical Thinking is supporting an IDEA with lots of strong evidence. Idea is a more generic term."

Lesson 2 is "What is the Simplest Form of Critical Thinking?" (10:45) "Critical Thinking at its simplest: Teacher Prompt because ____________," Give the students the idea and the because prompt... and then ask the students to fill in the blank! He asked us to give examples of how we can use that teacher prompt! Since the the night of that program I have asked my students to do this several times! They are doing better and better EVERY TIME! Here are some examples of what I prompt the students to answer:

- We need to follow directions quickly because _______________________.
- Grandma is a noun that can be a proper AND common noun because ___________________.
- We need a zero place holder in this number because ______________________.
- We follow our FOUR MAGIC MOVES in the hallway because _________________________.

Those are just a FEW examples... I am so impressed with the level of improvement my students have shown!

Coach took the Critical Thinking Conversation one step further (TOTALLY NEW INFORMATION!) be telling us the FUNDAMENTAL Skill of Critical Thinking (15:20). The fundamental skill of Critical Thinking is the ability to distinguish between weak and strong evidence" He even told us HOW to TEACH the students to distinguish between weak and strong evidence (16:55). Just like with other lessons in WBT we need to have them PRACTICE the wrong way ON PURPOSE! They can't know why the right way is right if they can't compare it to the right way. Teach your kids the pitty pat clap (17:18). Example: Rule 1 is good rule (pitty pat: tap one hand with the pointer finger from the other hand) because it is the first rule. That is a weak answer. We want to ask our students for STRONG evidence. Tell them you don't want BABY answers... you want ____ grade answers (insert your grade level in the blank!).

Here is the big point on the fundamental skill (18:27). "We want kids to be able to distinguish between strong and weak evidence. If they can't distinguish between strong and weak evidence they can't support their ideas."

He give the IDEAL pattern for kids practicing this skill (19:30). Here is an example: Rule one is a good rule (pitty pat) because it is the first rule. This is weak evidence BECAUSE being the first rule doesn't make it a good rule. When they follow this pattern they are then reasoning about their reasoning! WOW! Powerful stuff... watch the video about this... Coach delivers this with his usual vigor!

The rest of the video is mainly Coach answering questions of the Wibbeteers that were present for the live audience. Below is a list of topics covered with the times they are covered!

Review of the Switch: 30:30

Pencil Sharpner Problem: 32:37 (He teases about this starting at 31:35... but I am helping you out and getting you to the answer a little quicker!... Don't tell Coach:)

Lesson Plan Templates: 35:08

Location of pre-made Lessons: 37:00

Purpose of the Three Peat: 39:10

OH >>>>> You can't miss this... NEW HANDS AND EYES... I shouldn't tell you where this is... I shouldn't even tell you about it... but it is too good to keep to myself!

NEW HANDS AND EYES... are you ready?

Tell the kids when they repeat the words HANDS AND EYES... they need to lean forward so that you can tell they are REALLY listening! AMAZING... I can hear the giggles now... Gotta love that Golden Thread of Fun!

Ready for a New Oral Writing Idea... Coach was really excited about this... but I want you to hear it from him... check it out at 49:25 in the video... you will LOVE IT!

Mousy voices... NO MORE! 52:38... just simply say "Louder Please" The kid will automatically increase the volume of their voice!

Example Popper... 53:52

Can you believe all this great information happened in 57 minutes and 29 seconds... I was amazed too! Don't just take my word for it... watch the video...

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I was so excited to see the following post on facebook and WBT forums this evening! WOWZERS! Congratulations to all my fellow Level Four Wibbeteers!

Let the Sizzles begin!! The First Level 4 WBT Certified List is in! Please give them your best Ten Finger Wooos!

1. Julie Gustin 1,443 CP
2. Becca Morris 1,348 CP
3. Deanna Schuler 1,318 CP
4. Lindsey Roush 1,160 CP
5. Melissa Smith 1,113 CP
6. Caroline Alexius 909 CP
7. Brandon Kerby 733 CP

If you'd like to see your name on this list, check out the WBT Certification requirements located on this site! Contact me (Nancy Stoltenberg) with any questions!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Blog Hop!

I found an amazing Blog Hop today! JOIN UP!

Join me at the blog hop! http://gr3istheplace4me.blogspot.com/2012/07/newbie-blog-hop.html

    1.  what state you are in

    2.  your current teaching position
    3.  your teaching experience
    4.  when you started blogging
    5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource

1.  I'm in Missouri
2. This is going to be my second year of third grade! SO Excited!
3.  I taught fifth grade for seven years. I started in fifth (two years), looped with a class from 4th -5th, returned to fifth for four years, and started third grade last year.
4.  I just started blogging this June.
5. Visit lots of blogs and explore your own to make it better and better!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Enthusiastic ... First Hour with WBT!

Below is the forum post for Webcast Program 532

“Nothing is ever achieved without enthusiasm.”-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enthusiasm…when both students and teachers are enthusiastic about education more learning takes place. This is my belief. Whole Brain Teaching fits this belief perfectly! 

I am always so excited about the first day of school… until I have been rambling to my students for over an hour about expectations.  The necessity of students learning the expectations is obvious to most of us… but are they really LEARNING the expectations when we lecture to them?

WBT – The First Hour provided the perfect solution to my first day of school problem. The first hour of MY personal school day has been running like a video in my head since Tuesday night. Each time it plays there are small variations! These variations are making the ONE weakness that I saw in the broadcast non-existent. The weakness was this: I don’t have a full hour with my students before I have to send them to music. Now I realize this isn’t a weakness with the ideas from the broadcast… but with my schedule. I can’t change that schedule, but I can adapt what I learned to make it work!

Setting up the classroom for the first day can be challenging. Thanks Coach B, for laying out a blueprint for not only our classroom setup, but also what to write on the board, AND what to say and WHERE to say it. I am really excited about making a flipchart (from index cards) for the first day. These cards will serve as cue cards. Most likely I won’t really have to look at them that day … but will use them as a way to learn my “lines”.

Deciding where my students should sit in the classroom should not take up HOURS of my classroom prep time. I don’t know my students yet… they are coming to my building for the first time as third graders. These kids haven’t even walked the halls as Sterling students yet! I see the power of assigning seats later in the first day. However, I have to decide if that works for me because of Meet the Teacher night. The night before school our students and their parents come to the classroom. Most of the students’ MAIN objective is to see where they will sit. How will they feel if I assign them a locker that night… but not a seat?  Definitely gives me food for thought. Students will probably take this news better than parents. Last year I had a parent upset because I didn’t have the students’ names on their cubbies yet!

Setting up the whiteboard for the first day is an awesome idea. Many of you probably think… is this a new idea for her? In a way … it is. I always put my name and date on the board and last year I had the scoreboard. Posting the days’ events on the board, hasn’t been a strong area for me. Previously, I have used the excuse that I like to roll with the students. If their interest is peaked by something I run with that. I don’t want to “not” get to something that was written on the board.

Here I go … confession time. I believe this excuse was covering the fact that I was that bleary eyed teacher in the mirror that Coach referred to in the video. In the video, Coach exclaimed, “The failure to master simple classroom procedures is one of the greatest failings of American Education!” That really hit me hard. Too much time is wasted in my classroom on getting out materials, waiting for everyone to be “ready.” NO MORE! At the end of last school year, I learned the power of the Three Peat! Lining up no longer took 2 minutes… it took less than 10 seconds! My class became pros at getting out their books! Now it is time for this to extend across all procedures.

What did I learn about Coach B’s discussion on the first hour of school? I need to pump up the enthusiasm so that my students can achieve more this school year. We are going to achieve everything we set our minds to… and so much more! So… with much enthusiasm and NO MORE measly excuses… I am looking forward to starting this new school year! WIB ON!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fourteen Days to TEACHER HEAVEN!

Fourteen DAYS is All it Took to Fall in LOVE... with the Super Improver Wall

I have had the pleasure of sharing a specific Super Improver Wall story with audiences at two conferences now. At the Union, MO conference only those in the Advanced WBT group heard my story. I also know that I have eluded to my stories in several blog and forum posts... so it is now time to write it all out!

In this post I am going to lay it all out. So those that have already heard my story will still want to tune in. My story starts with learning about the SIW in Wichita, KS and ends the before the last day of school!

Monday, April 30th, 2012: Wichita, KS WBT conference

I didn't know that this conference would change my teaching life (and hopefully the lives of my students) so very much. I was able to refresh my little bit of knowledge of WBT, but most importantly... I learned about the Super Improver Wall. Coach B talked about how to set up the wall and how to get the students engaged. I was hooked but still didn't understand the full power!

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012: Back to School... but not my classroom.

The day I returned to my school I was out of the classroom for collaboration with my grade level. I had decided to start the SIW with only 17 days left of school! I needed something to keep them on their toes! Our school does a great job of recognizing students through out the year but the main programs we use were at an end. We work with the Kiwanis Club to recognize monthly TERRIFIC Kids. (Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive, and Caring) We also have Weekly recognition of PAWS students (Prepared, Arrive on Time, work hard, Stay Focused).

I spent the evening printing WHITE/Rookie cards for each student. 

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012
In the morning, WITH MY KIDS IN THE ROOM... I stapled white placards with their names to the PAWS bulletin board. Boy did I have their attention... I WAS TAKING DOWN THE PAWS... but their names were on the board... is it good... is it bad. Then I only put up the word rookie (mainly because I forgot to print the other words on color).

Bulletin Board with PAWS!
Ta Da! Super Improver Wall!

I talked to them about PAWS and Terrific Kids being finished for the year but I still wanted to see those good behaviors. THEN I told them that at this time of year I get sad. "Tell Mrs. Schuler: Don't Be SAD" I wiped my eyes for reinforcement.

Then I told them in the past my fifth graders (this is my first year with third graders) have stopped trying to learn. They didn't care anymore. "Do you want Mrs. Schuler to be sad?" "NO WAY"
I then explained the SIW and told them with only 11 days left not many people will move up the wall... "unless...oh never mind" "WHAT? ... unless what Mrs. Schuler" LOVING IT!

"Unless I see MAJOR improvement in line behavior, handwriting neatness, friendly behavior... Oh I am not just looking for GOOD behavior... I am looking for IMPROVEMENT!"

They were hooked! I started Read to Self.. and EVERYONE of them was reading silently without attitude or faking... time to put some stars on the board!

Now... I must digress from the SIW wall for awhile for you to get the FULL affect... remember we are still on DAY 1!

I came close to tears on this day! In addition to starting the Super Improvers Wall ... I had also recently introduced the Crazy Professor Reading game! I had been introducing the steps one or two at a time. Today while playing the kids were REALLY enjoying the Q&A part. I had just turned away from them to look at the SIW when I heard a voice I didn't recognize.

 I swiveled around and saw one of my quiet little girls nearly jumping up and down grinning ear to ear as she asked a WONDERFUL higher level thinking question with a DRAMATIC voice and AWESOME gestures. At first I was speechless! I quickly recovered and called "Class Class" They nearly suffered whiplash in there eagerness to comply! That also threw me off! I said "Class I am so excited our THIRD super improver sticker for the day is AWESOME. This student is usually very quiet and I have to REALLY lean in to hear her." I described what I had seen... and she starts smiling. When I call her name you would have thought I had just crowned her Miss America. At that moment I truly saw the value of the SIW ... this little girl had been hiding in the shadows. When I pulled her out she SPARKLED! Her effort the rest of the day blew me away... she earned herself another sticker... I would have given her more but I didn't want to over do it on our first SIW day!

The next sticker awarded went to this little girls Crazy Professor game partner. I started by saying that at first I thought this person's enthusiasm was a direct result of our last Super Improver. (Before I could say anything ... the little girl started jumping up and down tapping her partner saying... "she is talking about you... you are a super improver... isn't it wonderful!" I am already tearing up again. What a moment!

Friday, May 4th - Wheels started turning

I was getting really excited about the success of the Super Improver Wall in my class room! There was ONE student I hadn't reached yet. He wasn't in the room all the time. This friend... his name will be Max for the purpose of this blog. Max is a student with Autism. Every time he entered my room from a special class he would wander around make distracting sounds, lay on others desks, and talk to his buddies. You could sometimes see the frustration on the faces of my students when he walked in the room.

I was in the middle of a math lesson when Max walked in. He started to wander but his eyes caught the Super Improver Wall. He was frozen. He stared at the board for awhile, then he blurted out... "What is that?" My students and I explained this to him and he silently went back to his seat. WOW! You could tell his mind was working.

Monday, May 7th - WOW!

Same time as yesterday, Max comes into the classroom. You can see him start to wander... but he stops again looks at the board and goes DIRECTLY TO HIS SEAT! I am shocked. The students looked at me and back at Max. I was so overcome I almost went on with my lesson. My kids started waving their hands like crazy. They saw I wasn't reacting to their hands so a couple blurted out ... doesn't Max deserve a star? So of course, he got it and was so proud! The Super Improver Wall had hooked this kiddo!

FAST FORWARD: Things are going swimmingly! Stars are flying!

Monday, May 14th - SO MUCH IN ONE DAY!

I decided that I would introduce the Genius Ladder today... no big deal right...nine days left of school. Oh yeah, today is also dress rehearsal for the third grade music program taking place TONIGHT!

(For more about my Genius Ladder Lesson read my previous posts)

My Genius Ladder

Below is an a part of a previous blog ... but it is related to the Super Improver Story:

[ As we were reviewing, Max back to the classroom from his special class. Max sometimes has trouble transitioning. He will often cause a disruption in class. When he entered this time he knew he couldn't disrupt because we were doing gestures. He was watching and hadn't yet started to color his Pokemon pictures. Just as he was about to grab for the coloring page... I asked for volunteers to lead the class in the lesson for a noun. He was interested. One of my girls came up and did an EXCELLENT job for reteaching "What is a noun?" I asked for another WBT leader.

Max raised his hand. I hesitated. Often when I call on Max, he takes the opportunity to make his classmates laugh. I sensed something different this time, so I asked him, "Do you know what I am asking you to do if you come up here?" He said, "YES! You want me to lead the class in "What is a noun?" I was impressed and let him come to the front.

He immediately said "Class". My kids giggled and then responded "YES". "Mirrors"... more giggling "Mirrors". He paused looked at me and I nodded. Then he did the WHOLE THING. "What is a noun? A noun is a person, a place or a thing" The kids mirror but some were making the gesture for "idea". In my classroom we added to the definition of a noun. We say "A noun is a person, a place, a thing, or an idea" Max had not been in the room when I taught the added part. He said "I didn't ask for that gesture" I stepped in to inform him what they were doing and he said "Oh, Okay! Mirrors ... and an idea" Then he sat down. There was a 15-20 second pause and then my whole class erupted in applause. They were so proud of their classmate.

 I was moved to tears. Most of the kids saw this! I tried to move on to review Sentences but my kids hands went in the air like crazy. They all wanted to know why I hadn't given Max a SUPER IMPROVER sticker. They were right... and they were SO PROUD OF HIM! I was proud of them. I gave him his star and we all gave him a "37 finger WOO" ... This was Max's idea! I was able to move on and I still had his attention. I asked for a Whole Brain Leader for Sentence. He raised his hand. Usually when he raises his hand he will start calling out my name if he thinks I am ignoring him. This time he sat with his hand PATIENTLY raised. I was tempted to call on him ... but I wanted to give others a chance. He handled this beautifully. He mirrored the other Student Leaders. When it was time to line up for Art, he didn't complain that I had not called on him. Instead he went to a classmate that had been called on and said "Hey Andrew, you did a really good job with your gestures" I was floored... not only had he participated, waited patiently and showed his comprehension of noun and sentence, he had also noticed another students success!]

Max decided that he didn't like the second color on the SIW wall blue... he wanted it green. So since I wasn't attached to my colors yet... I rearranged! 

That night as the students were coming to my room for the music program I was able to share the SIW wall with several parents. A lot of parents were able to see the SUPER IMPROVER WALL! This was magic. I got to hear the kids explain the Wall to their parents. Even the kids with just one star explained the wall with pride. I just LOVE this! I am still in absolute wonderment that kids are working SO hard for stickers on a piece of paper... but at the same time I can see that they are NOT just stickers and papers to them... they are trophies that they will hold in their heart! WOW!

May 23rd - Day before last day of school

Wow! I wasn't ready for this! The last weeks of school had been so smooth thanks to the SUPER IMPROVER WALL. The day was a perfectly normal school day... we held instruction just as we had the last three weeks! (Last day was a planned celebration). I was feeling bummed because all my kids had come close to 10 stars but hadn't done it yet. It happened someone reached the GREEN level... notice I say green and not Phenom. You guessed it! Max was my ONLY student to reach the phenom level... and he was so proud of himself. Thus the reason my Phenom level will probably ALWAYS be Green!